DS Silicon







CGSim 软件中对多晶硅 DS 进行二维非稳态建模的示例

下图是计算机建模的动画结果:熔炉内的温度分布、熔体和气体流动、使用 CGSim 软件模拟的结晶过程。

Global heat transfer, flows, and crystallization dynamics in a DS system

(P = 50000 Pa, Vinlet = 0.3 m/s, Process time: 25 h, Vcryst about 15 mm/h). Furnace design [1]


保持结晶前沿的几何形状接近平面是非常重要的,尤其是在结晶开始阶段。凹陷的熔体/晶体界面会导致晶粒尺寸减小和晶片质量下降。CGSim 软件可以很好地预测熔体/晶体界面的几何形状。下图是计算结果与文献 [2] 中公布的实验数据的对比:晶粒尺寸较大的晶体中心的界面是平的,而晶粒尺寸较小的晶体外围的界面是凹的。

Four large vortices are observed in the melt as the combined effect of buoyancy and Marangoni surface tension

Comparison of experiment by SAS (left) and simulation results (right).

Vertical cut of the ingot is 250x700x700 mm. Data: Y. Y. Teng et al.,

Proceedings of PVSEC-18 conference


结晶过程中的氧、氮、碳传输和偏析对于避免在熔体中形成 SiC、Si3N4 和 Si2N2O 颗粒并将其融入晶体非常重要。沿熔体/晶体界面形成的颗粒会显著减小铸锭中的晶粒尺寸,并降低晶片质量。CGSim 是一种强大的工具,用于模拟熔体和气体中包括化学反应在内的物种传输。二维或全三维非稳态近似方法可用于模拟物种的对流、扩散和偏析(见下文)。例如,考虑到反应器壁上的沉积反应,通过沿熔体/晶体界面的质量通量和平衡浓度关系,将气体中的氧化硅传输与熔体流中的氧气传输耦合起来[3]。


此处说明的碳偏析模型已在文献[4]中成功验证并用于技术优化。文献[4]的作者利用 CGSim 软件建模结果报告说,通过修改熔体流动和结晶前沿剖面,晶体中的碳浓度降低了 10%。


3D computational grid of crystallization domain and gas flow above the melt free surface


Carbon concentration distribution in a vertical cross section of

growing crystal computed in 3D unsteady approximation


Comparison of experimental and computed vertical carbon concentration profiles

in the crystal grown with standard and optimized conditions

DS 系统中加热器设计的 3D 分析

STR 提供先进的研究和咨询项目,以研究和优化来自熔体和溶液的晶体生长。这里展示的是对加热器设计的三维特征和冷却石墨棒的详细研究,这些石墨棒为定向凝固系统的侧加热器和顶加热器提供电流(有关定向凝固系统的详细信息,请参见 [1])。


Top: Temperature distribution in the heater and crucible

Left: Temperature distribution in the DSS furnace



[1] Bei Wu et al., Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 310, Issues 7-9, pp. 2178-2184

[2] “Crystalline front control of growing multicrystalline Si ingots during the directional solidification process” ,Ying-Yang Teng, Jyh-Chen Chen, Chung-Wei Lu, V.V. Kalaev and S. E. Demina, 18th International photovoltaic Science and Engineering, PVSEC, January 19-23, 2009, Kolkata, India

[3] “Analysis of impurity transport and deposition processes on the furnace elements during Cz silicon growth”, AD Smirnov, VV Kalaev, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 311, 2009, pp. 829–832

[4]“The carbon distribution in multicrystalline silicon ingots grown using the directional solidification process“, Ying-Yang Teng, Jyh-Chen Chen, Chung-Wei Lu, Chi-Yung Chen, Journal of Crystal Growth, Volume 312, Issue 8, April 2010, pp. 1282-1290

[5]“Computer modeling of diamond single crystal growth by the temperature gradient method in carbon-solvent system“, S.E. Demina, V.V. Kalaev, V.V. Lysakovskyi, M.A. Serga, T.V. Kovalenko, S.A. Ivahnenko, Journal of Crystal Growth, 311 (2009) p.680

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